Recreated Website and Blog

Over three years ago I have used Hexo to create my blog and it is still a valid choice, but after changing computer I’ve accidentally lost my blog generator settings. Yes, I thought that I have a copy on backup drive and it ended up that assumption was wrong. So I have decided to recreate it but using something simpler and with minimal own code elements.

As I’m not a designer, I’ve ended up with Bootswatch Cosmo theme and gulp-site-generator. Yes, it is even simpler solution than Hexo, but now I know how the blog was used, so a simpler but much more elastic solution is fine.

First of all it uses gulp with a ton of plugins and the generator itself is not very complicated, so it is easy to change it which I did in some parts, for example RSS feed is not creating full entries, I can set and change lang for each page, blog entries location is not main folder, I’ve added Disqus etc.

Everything is still pretty fast and generating all pages in less than 1 second (if not counting SASS from Bootstrap).

If not counting recreating Markdown entries from HTML (to-markdown was a real timesaver) and some additional work on styling, all preparations and changes took only several hours and the final result seems to be pretty good.
