Posts tagged 'blog'

Updated Blog to Custom Hugo Theme

Static site generator behind this blog was last updated over 4 years ago. It was a Gulp 3 based system which also used Bootstrap 3. When trying to rebuild the site in 2020, it ended up that it is possible only with older Node.js and update to Gulp 4 all the existing generator is too much effort for such a small blog. So, I decided to switch to Hugo. Why Hugo?...

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Serving personal page with HTTPS on GitLab Pages

As my current hosting plan on OVH ends next month, I’ve looked for a way to move my Gluwer website to another location. As it gets very popular now to serve simple static personal websites like this one on GitHub using custom domain. But if you want to do HTTPS and custom domain on GitHub, you have to use solutions like CloudFlare to get it working. Because I use GitLab for personal non-public projects, I’ve checked their GitLab Pages solution....

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Recreated Website and Blog

Over three years ago I have used Hexo to create my blog and it is still a valid choice, but after changing computer I’ve accidentally lost my blog generator settings. Yes, I thought that I have a copy on backup drive and it ended up that assumption was wrong. So I have decided to recreate it but using something simpler and with minimal own code elements. As I’m not a designer, I’ve ended up with Bootswatch Cosmo theme and gulp-site-generator....

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